First Wednesday Readers Series Presents Mentor poetry and flash fiction writer Mitch James and Cleveland poetry and nonfiction writer Zach Savich, Wednesday, March 2 at 7:00 PM at the Soap Gallery, 117 S. Champion St. Co-hosted by Katie Urs. The featured readers will be followed by an open mic. We will also be celebrating National Banana Cream Pie Day with unforgettable pie made by Jessica Romeo.
Mitch James is a Professor of Composition and Literature at Lakeland Community College in Kirtland, and is the Managing Editor at Great Lakes Review. You can find Mitch’s latest fiction at Flash Fiction Magazine and Scissors and Spackle, poetry at Peauxdunque Review and Southern Florida Poetry Journal, and scholarship at Journal of Creative Writing Studies. Find more of his work at mitchjamesauthor.com, and follow him on Twitter @mrjames5527.
Zach Savich is the author of six books of poetry and two books of nonfiction. A former book review editor with the Kenyon Review, he is an editor with the Cleveland Review of Books and Rescue Press. He teaches at the Cleveland Institute of Art.