Youngstown Writers’ Guild
What is it?
Gathering in a safe, judgement-free space, the Youngstown Writers’ Guild is a place to socialize with other local writers. Share tips, experience, and events while learning what others are doing to live their writing life. Become part of a community that understands both the joys and the struggles of the writing life.
Critique Hour: If you would like feedback on a short work or excerpt from a longer piece, feel free to bring it in and work in pairs to give and receive feedback that encourages your fellow authors to continue honing their skills.
All genres, experience levels, and ages are welcome, although children under the age of 13 should be accompanied by an adult.
When do we meet?
We meet on the 3rd Saturday of Each Month from 10am - 2pm.
Critique Hour: 11am - 12pm
Pop! Art Books Culture
6949 Market Street
Boardman, Ohio 44512
Notice: There will be no meeting in October while our gracious host, Craig Duster (owner of Pop! Art Books Culture), will be manning a table at the Annual Fall Literary Festival Book Fair!
For individual meeting updates, be sure to check our Facebook events page or sign up for our notification list by clicking here.
Have Questions?
Not sure what to bring? (Your favorite writing gear, snackie snacks, hydration, or just your beautiful self!) Not sure if you can bring a friend? (Always!) Wondering if you can bring those chewy, ooey, gooey chocolate chip cookies that you love without having to share with the whole class? (Absolutely!)
Co-hosts RW Franklin (she/her) and Katja (she/her) will be happy to answer your questions! RW can be reached at contact@rwfranklin.com. Katja can be reached at katiepasserotti@gmail.com.
2025 Schedule
January 18th
February 15th
March 15th
April 19th
May 17th
June 21th
July 19th
August 16th
September 20th
October No Meeting
November 15th
December 13th (Notice: This is the 2nd Saturday, not 3rd Saturday)