Aren’t you glad your feet are at the bottom of your legs?
What if your feet were at the end of your arms?
You would have to grab things with your toes
You might bite your toes when you eat a sandwich
And it would smell like sweat
You would have to walk upside down
And you would probably get a headache
And you couldn’t see very far
If you tried to swing, you would have to lay on your belly to reach the ground
Your footless stumps would drag through the mulch and make a big mess
It would be so embarrassing
I give the whole thing a big thumbs down
Because I can
Love can travel like sound
Sound comes from moving things
It’s called vibration
Slow vibrations make low notes like a sad moan from all over the world
Fast vibrations make high notes like a lonely song on the top of a mountain
A sound can hold love inside it
My big heart vibrates fast
My love is strong
Love travels like sound
It can travel many miles
It doesn’t need a plane
And you can be happy because love can travel
It doesn’t need a hug
And you will feel that I love you
I love you
I love you
And I am happy to send you my love