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O Autumn Fruitfulness!

September and October are filling up so richly, we’re going to dedicate a square to all that’s going on, between the NEA Big Read (centered around Into the Beautiful North by Luis Alberto Urrea), the Fall Literary Festival, a reading by poet and native Youngstowner Ross Gay, and our usual Lit Yo activities.

NEA Big Read

We’ll add to this calendar as pieces come together. All events are free and open to the public with no reservation required, unless otherwise indicated.

This is a partial list of Big Read activities; please visit the calendar of the Public Library of Youngstown & Mahoning County for the whole beautiful thing!

*Until August 31. Winners will be announced in September. Short Short Fiction Contest

*Wed. Sept. 4 7:00 Soap Gallery, 117 S. Champion St. First Wednesday Series Reading: Clint Elston & Brandon Noel, open mic emceed by Elizabeth Burnette

*Tues. Sept. 10 6:30-8:00 Suzie’s Dogs & Drafts, 34 N. Phelps St. City Club of the Mahoning Valley, “Separation of Roots and State: Where are They Now?”

Mexican immigration occupies a complex position in U.S. public opinion. Immigration law has oscillated throughout the 20th century between welcoming Mexican immigrants and vehemently rejecting them. What happens to the country they left behind? What about the loved ones unable to make the dangerous trek to America?


  1. Violeta Aguirre (Vi) Coordinadora del Alcance Comunitario para Hispanos (Hispanic Outreach Coordinator), Catholic Charities

  2. Erin Phemester Programming and Youth Services Director, Public Library of Youngstown & Mahoning County


  1. Nicole Pettitt, Ph.D. Assistant Professor / K-12 TESOL Endorsement Coordinator; Chair, Refugee Concerns Interest Section – TESOL, International Department of English, Youngstown State University

*Tues. Sept. 17 First Unitarian Universalist Church of Youngstown 1105 Elm St. An Evening of Immigrant Narratives 5:30 Food for Thought Book discussion, Into the Beautiful North *(change of date & time!) 6:30 Ethnic foods potluck (please bring a dish or drink to share) 7:00 Traveling Stanzas Writing Across Borders, Wick Poetry Center 8:00 Youngstown Immigrant Narratives: Violeta Aguirre, Mia Catherine Allonby, Lidia Cornelio & Ana Marie Wetzl


*Sat. Sept. 21 3:30 YSU Ward Beecher Planetarium The Sky We Share Our constellations mainly come from the Greeks, so why do they have Latin names? And what’s up with those Arabic star names, anyway? In this live presentation of the night sky, we will journey through the stars and explore the different ways they take shape across cultures and the ages. Learn of the importance of the stars for navigation, time-keeping, and storytelling.

*Tues. Oct. 1 7:00 St. John’s Episcopal Church, 323 Wick Ave. Book discussion, Into the Beautiful North

*Wed. Oct. 2 7:00 Soap Gallery, 117 S. Champion St. Lit Youngstown First Wednesday Series Reading: EF Schroeder & Michelle Smith, open mic emceed by Christopher Lesko

*Thurs. Oct. 3 6:00 Main Library, 305 Wick Ave. NEA Big Read Film Series: Magnificent Seven, introduced by Dr. Laura Beadling

*Thurs. Oct. 3 7:00 Downtown Hilton DoubleTree, 44 E. Federal Plaza, 2nd floor lounge Fall Literary Festival gathering in, registration and conversation

*Fri. Oct. 4 Fall Literary Festival 9:00-4:00 YSU Kilcawley Center registration/fee required 5:00-6:30 Dinner, St. John’s Episcopal Church registration/fee required 7:00-8:30 Reading: Steven Caumo, winner of Lou Yuhasz Memorial Scholarship Erica Cardwell & Philip Metres, free and open to the public

Literary Festival Logo Design

*Sat. Oct. 5 Fall Literary Festival 9:00-4:00 YSU Kilcawley Center registration/fee required 4:30 Dedication Words Made Visible sidewalk project 6:00-6:45 Dinner, Downtown Hilton DoubleTree Ballroom registration/fee required 7:00 Reading, winner, short short fiction contest Keynote George Ella Lyon, free and open to the public

*Mon. Oct. 7 6:30 Casa Ramirez, 1578 Mahoning Ave. Hands-on demonstration: making sopes Free with registration

*Wed. Oct. 9 6:00 Main Library, 305 Wick Ave. NEA Big Read Film Series: Stand and Deliver (Food for Thought book discussion cancelled)

*Thurs. Oct. 10 5:00-7:00 3rd Floor Maag Library, YSU

Crossings: NEA Big Read YSU Student Art Show Opening Exhibit Oct. 10-27

*Fri. Oct. 11 7:30 St. John’s Episcopal Church, 323 Wick Ave. Reading: Northeast Ohio Master of Fine Arts hosts Ross Gay & Jason Harris

*Sun. Oct. 13 2:30 Youngstown Playhouse, 600 Playhouse Lane Staged Reading of Into the Beautiful North Directed by Denise Sculli

*Tues. Oct. 15 Main Library, 305 Wick Ave. NEA Big Read author Luis Alberto Urrea

Special Guests The Labra Brothers 5:00 -5:45 Book signing 6:00 Reading, Q&A with Dr. Timothy Francisco This author visit is co-sponsored by WYSU.

*Thurs. Oct. 17 6:00 Main Library, 305 Wick Ave. NEA Big Read Film Series: The Bronze Screen, introduced by Dr. Laura Beadling (Third Thursday Writers Circle canceled)

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