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Fall Lit Fest Registration Open! Coming up Quick!

4th Annual Fall Literary Festival Via Videoconference September 24-26, 2020, EST

I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world. –Walt Whitman

Our hardworking planning committee began planning this conference in February. It seemed so far away, and then screeeee!–what a tailspin–but here we are, meeting on Zoom, and it’s really coming together. Just a few more weeks to register.

This year’s theme is In Many Tongues: Constituents of the Barbaric Yawp.

This year’s conference will be centered around writing and publishing, literary inclusion, translating and translation, dialect and dialog, atypical modes of speech, and the generational, political, ecological, and experimental elements that add to the wider literary conversation.

The conference will include creative readings, craft talks, workshops and panel discussions on writing, reading, teaching, performing, editing and publishing creative works. Highly acclaimed visiting faculty will share their experience and insights, and over 50 presenters from Ohio and beyond will speak on a variety of topics.

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