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The Art of Healing

We welcome Jamie Marich and Johanna Slivinske to our September First Wednesday reading, September 7 @ 7:00, Suzie’s Dogs & Drafts, 34 N. Phelps St. Free parking on the street and in the lot behind the Voinovich Building on the corner of Hazel & Commerce.

An open mic will follow, emceed by community organizer Deb Cunningham. Open mic readers are invited to read for 5 min.–their own work, or a writer’s they admire.

A dancer, musician, performer, writer, clinical counselor, and registered expressive arts therapist, Jamie Marich unites these elements of her experience to achieve an ultimate mission: bringing the art and joy of healing to others. Her career in counseling and human services began while she worked in Bosnia-Hercegovina from 2000-2003. While in Bosnia, she served as an English and music teacher, in addition to working freelance for other humanitarian aid projects. Marich, currently working in private practice after obtaining many years of experience in inpatient mental health, inpatient chemical dependency, and outpatient dual diagnosis treatment, travels the country for several professional continuing education providers, offering instruction on a variety of clinical topics. She is the author of five books; her latest book is Dancing Mindfulness: A Creative Path to Healing and Transformation (SkylightPaths Publishing 2015).

Johanna Slivinske

Johanna Slivinske is an author, therapist, adjunct instructor, and activist. She is co-author of the books Therapeutic Storytelling for Adolescents and Young Adults, published by Oxford University Press, and Storytelling and Other Activities for Children in Therapy, published by John Wiley and Sons. She has also authored a book chapter, professional journal articles, blogs, and poetry. In addition, she is Associate Editor for Review Quality for the journal Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, published by Cleveland State University. In October, 2015, she was invited to the White House for the first ever Worker Voice Summit and in June, 2016, she attended the Women’s Worker Voice Summit at the United States Department of Labor in Washington, DC. She is a therapist at PsyCare and an Adjunct Instructor in the Department of Social Work at Youngstown State University, where she also serves as Affiliated Faculty for Women’s and Gender Studies.

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