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Thank you, Kennedy Family Fund

Our heartfelt thanks goes to the Kennedy Family Fund, a component fund of the Community Foundation of the Mahoning Valley, for a $1500 contribution toward our summer and fall activities.


We sought support for advertising and promotion, rent for our office, printing and copying, insurance, accounting fees, author stipends and a director stipend. Many grants strictly fund programming, and we appreciate the CFMV’s recognition that programming isn’t sustainable without administrative support.

The Community Foundation is a critical component of nonprofit funding in the Valley, and we are grateful and honored to continue to be part of the CFMV family, having also received support for the Winter Writing Camp at the first Mahoning Valley Soup.

The Community Foundation of the Mahoning Valley is operated exclusively for charitable, educational and scientific purposes which effectively assist and promote the well-being of residents of Mahoning and Trumbull Counties. Information about the Foundation can be found here.

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