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Speculative Summer Workshop (Zoom)

Speculative Summer Workshop Bring your space invaders, ghost ships, and hidden treasures to this relaxed and supportive virtual monthly workshop for writers of fantasy, sci-fi, horror, weird, speculative, or genre-mash ups. Workshop hours will include excerpt readings, feedback, and discussions of participant submissions. Long fiction and short stories welcome. Participants are asked to limit total submission length to fifteen pages (approximately 5 pages per workshop). Space is limited, register early.

Process: Send a maximum of 15 pages to by May 11; early reading encouraged/optional for participants. What’s Your Story? Introductions and Project Overviews: May 11 Speculative Summer Workshop. Adults & teens. 2nd Tuesdays, May 11-August 10, 7:00-8:30 PM EST, on Zoom. Course fee is $25 (scholarships are available). Please register here before May 10. Limited seating.

Meet the Teaching Artist: An admirer of strange wonders, sleights of hand, and carousels, E. F. Schraeder writes poetry and fiction that is often inspired by not quite real worlds. Schraeder’s work has appeared in Strange Horizons, Pulp Modern, Mystery Weekly Magazine, and other journals and anthologies.

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