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Lit Youngstown

Quartez Harris & Kerry Trautman (July 6)

First Wednesday Reader Series Presents poets Quartez Harris of Cleveland and Kerry Trautman of Findlay on Wednesday, July 6 at 7 PM. Co-host Lori Shelby. The featured readers will be followed by an open mic. We will also be celebrating National Fried Chicken Day with a summer potluck at 5:30.

Quartez Harris is a poet, young adult author, and Cleveland public school teacher from Springfield. He is the Ohio Poetry Association’s 2021 Poet of the Year. Harris is the author of We Made It To School Alive, a full-length collection of poems published by Twelve Arts Press, and Nothing, But Skin, a poetry collection published in 2014 by Writing Knights Press.

Kerry Trautman is one of the founders of and the "Toledo Poetry Museum" page on Facebook, which serve to promote NW Ohio poetry events. Her work has appeared in dozens of journals and anthologies. Her poetry books are Things That Come in Boxes, To Have Hoped, Artifacts, and To be Nonchalantly Alive.

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