Congratulations and thank you to Kelly Fordon, Mary Swan-Bell & Rachel Swearingen for sharing their new books with us in a delightful reading and conversation. Listen to the reading here.
Mary Swan-Bell is a writer, content creator and pathological overthinker with a penchant for coffee, musicals, and the sea. This is her first book, and you can find more of her writing at Adventures in Overthinking, Elephant Journal, and Medium.
Post-Its & Polaroids is available here.
Kelly Fordon is the author of an award-winning novel in stories, (Wayne State University Press, 2015) a poetry collection, Goodbye Toothless House, (Kattywompus Press, 2019) and I have the Answer (WSUP 2020). She’s a writer-in-residence for Inside Out Literary Arts in Detroit. I Have the Answer is available here.
Rachel Swearingen’s most recent work has appeared in VICE, Kenyon Review, Off Assignment, and elsewhere. She is the recipient of the 2015 Missouri Review Prize in Fiction, a 2012 Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers’ Award, and the 2011 Mississippi Review Prize in Fiction. She teaches at the School of the Art Institute in Chicago.
How to Walk on Water is available here.