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New Book News: Frannie Lindsay, Fred Shaw & Kerry Trautman (YouTube Live)

New Book News! We celebrate these poets and the publication of their new books Sunday, March 14 at 7 PM EST. Join us on Lit Youngstown’s YouTube channel for a live reading and conversation.

Frannie Lindsay’s awards include the May Swenson Award, the Washington, Perugia Prize, Missouri Review Prize and the Benjamin Saltman Award. She is a former National Endowment for the Arts fellow. Her work appears in Best American Poetry. The Snow’s Wife (Cavankerry Press)

Named as a Finalist for Emerging Poet Laureate of Allegheny County in 2020, Fred Shaw is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, and Carlow University, where he received his MFA. Scraping Away (CavanKerry Press)

Kerry Trautman is a poetry editor for Red Fez, and her work has appeared in various anthologies and journals. Her books are Things That Come in Boxes (King Craft Press) To Have Hoped (Finishing Line Press) and Artifacts (NightBallet Press). To be Nonchalantly Alive (Kelsay Books)

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