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Poetry Masterclass

This workshop will examine all aspects of when and whether a poem is “telling the truth.” What is “truth” in a poem? Is it sticking to the story of what happened? An emotional truth? A spiritual truth? All of the above? None of the above? How do we know when our poems are telling the truth?

Tuesday July 20, 6:00 to 9:00 PM EST, on Zoom. Limited to 15 participants.

Reserve your seat here. Meet the teaching artist: Erica Bodwell is a poet and attorney from Concord, New Hampshire. Her manuscript, Crown of Wild, won the Two Sylvias Press 2018 Wilder Prize. Her chapbook, Up Liberty Street, was released 2017 by Finishing Line Press. Her poems have appeared in VerseDaily, Beloit Poetry Review, North American Review, PANK and other journals.

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