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First Wednesday on Second Wednesday

Join us for a First Wednesday Series reading January 8 (Happy New Year!) by Cleveland poets John Burroughs & Shelley Chernin. Open mic to follow emceed by Rae McCann. We will also be celebrating National English Toffee Day.

John Burroughs of Cleveland was recently honored as the 2019-2021 Beat Poet Laureate for the State of Ohio. He serves as the founding editor for Crisis Chronicles Press and is the author of a dozen books including, most recently, Rattle and Numb: Selected Poems, 1992-2019, published by Venetian Spider Press.

Shelley Chernin is a freelance writer of legal reference books, an environmental activist and a ukulele enthusiast. She is the author of The Vigil, published by Crisis Chronicles Press in 2012. Her poems have appeared in many journals and anthologies, including Great Lakes Review, Scrivener Creative Review, Guide to Kulchur Creative Journal, Rhapsoidia, Durable Goods, Big Bridge, and Oct Tongue-1. She was awarded 2nd Place in the 2011 Hessler Street Fair Poetry Contest and received Honorable Mentions twice in the Akron Art Museum’s New Words Poetry Contest.

2020 First Wednesday Readers Series: February 5 Holly Christensen (creative nonfiction) and Chris Gibowicz (poetry) March 4 Cliff Richeal (poetry) Kayla Jeswald (nonfiction) April 1 Thomas Beck (storytelling) Humor Open Mic May 6 Angie Orlando (memoir) Christine Howey (poetry) June 3 Nikki Robinson (poetry), Terry Provost (poetry) July 1 Diane Kendig (poetry), Hannah Rodabaugh (poetry) August 5 Kathleen Strafford (poetry), Ted Lardner (poetry) September 2 Susan Petrone (fiction), William Heath (poetry) October 7 Kelly Bancroft (play), Jessica Jewell (poetry) November 4 Craig Paulenich (poetry) & James Winter (fiction) NEOMFA reunion reading

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