First Wednesday Reader Series presents fiction writer Arya F. Jenkins of Youngstown and poet Rose M. Smith of Columbus. Alex Harper will co-host. An open mic will follow the featured readers. Wednesday, June 7 at 7:00pm at Westside Bowl, 2617 Mahoning Ave. The reading will take place on the lower level in the Trophy Room. Our profound apologies that the only way to access the room is via stairs.
Arya F. Jenkins is a Colombian-American poet and writer whose flash, stories and creative nonfiction have been published in many journals and zines. She is the author of four poetry chapbooks, a short story collection, Blue Songs in an Open Key (Fomite, 2018) and a novel, Punk Disco Bohemian (NineStar Press, 2021).
Rose M. Smith's work has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies. She is author of four chapbooks, most recently Holes in My Teeth (Kattywompus Press, 2016). Her collection, Unearthing Ida (Glass Lyre Press, 2019), won the 2018 Lyrebird Prize. She is a Senior Editor with Pudding Magazine, a Pushcart Prize nominee, and a Cave Canem fellow.
Upcoming Readings at Westside Bowl
July 5 Stephanie Kendrick & Julio Montalvo Valentin, co-host Ana Torres
August 2 Gina Tabasso & Russell Vidrick, co-host Julie Cancio Harper
September 6 Andy Roberts & Chuck Salmons, co-host Tony Armeni
October 4 Terry Murcko, co-host R.C. Wilson
November 1 Jeremy Proehl & Jean Reinhold, co-host Betsy Barrickman
December 6 Christopher Barzak & Carrie George, co-host Craig Duster